About the programme
We offer a palette of workshops to support your journey. Your exploration in parallel workshops is integrated with whole group workshops and a lighter facilitated space for exploration. So, we will offer a space for a deepening of your journey between workshops. A co-created exploration of new ways of relating or focus on what brings energy to yourself and others in the moment.
Some workshops will be relational and focus on the here-and-now quality of what's taking place between you and others. Others will have embodied focus to connect with your body to get more grounded and feel yourself more fully. It could be dance, movement, primal play, touch or meditation. Most workshops will contain some form of movement or connection to our bodies, be it slow or more intense.
Apart from the workshops there are many more things that support you in getting the most out of these days: additional full group workshops, morning gatherings, sharing groups, concert and song-circles, sauna-sessions, dance, morning practices, fotball, swimming trips and sensemaking-sessions for example.
workshop descriptions
Somatic consent
Ida Helmers
How do we cocreate a field of mutual respect, curiousity and consent? Explore expressing your YES / NO as well as feeling into your boundaries moment to moment in connection. Learn to listen to your embodied truth and give yourself (and others) permission to explore how to find the way there. A mixture of somatic practices, sharings and connection games.

Change Your Story
Daniel DeTerrence Brooks
We can't change the past... Or can we? Much of what we experience as the past is the stories we tell ourselves and each other over and over again. And those stories can change! This workshop is an exercise in creative listening and the retelling of stories. What if what happened went otherwise? What if you could go back and say something that would change everything? Let's explore the landscape of time-traveling storytelling!

(lots of) Circling®
Fredrik Gynnhammar,
Hanna-My Jansson and
Patrik Gyland
Circling is the facilitation, training and/or coaching of a communication system based on authenticity, deep empathic listening and meditative presence. It consists of a combination of distinct qualities, skills, and principles that strengthen both interpersonal communication & relational intelligence, and extend our perceptual range. This psychosocial technology creates a forum for mindful connection where individuals can get to know both themselves and one another more deeply, share the experience of this knowing with one another, and create mutual understanding, trust, psychological safety and intimacy. It can also open doors for transpersonal experience and emergent collective intelligence within groups.
(This is the formal defintion of Circling®)

Sound and Breath Journey
Andreas Hüttel and Shikoba Summer
This offering is a weaving of guided breathwork, a Sound Journey, guided meditation and perhaps some light movement. It is a 2.5 hour ceremony we have developed and refined over the last 7 years, which originates from our own gratitude for the medicine of air and for therapeutic sound and music. And which is still one of our favourite circles to facilitate. We look very much forward!

With Values Into The World
Gabriel Stille
We clarify needs and values, which are important in themselves. Then we bring them with us into a tender but brave envisioning of what requests we might have for ourselves, as we get ready to go out into the world. These are strategies that exist for us, and not us for them. We might arrive at an invitation to what to do next, that is firmly rooted in what is truly important to us.

Integration choir
Karin Rimbäck and Pär Säthil
Use your voice and body together with others to integrate your festival experiences so far. A melting, soft workshop where you'll sing in ways your whole being actually love. Meet others beyond expectations and get to be witnessed in softness and slowness.

Authentic Relating
Julia Björn
Welcoming myself and each other into the festival. We use to the tools of authentic relating to ground and connect with ourselves, the starting point for everything. We set an intention of how we want to be supported throughout the time together.

Primal Play
Ida Helmers
A playful way to meet yourself and others in new ways, practice sensing your embodied boundaries as well as shifting your relational patterns into new possibilites.

The essence of laughter
Karin Rimbäck
Unfolding the secret juice in joy! Why do we often take laughter for granted or overlook its significance in our lives, when it holds the potential to uplift our spirits, foster connection and enhance our embodied vibration? This is an experiential and joyful exploration of laughter as a therapeutic tool and as a gateway into the essence of joy. We will explore the power and secrets of laughter together - Its magical and vulnerable dimensions as well as its relational potential. We will play with laughter yoga exercises, some breathing techniques and some sharings to unlock the essence of joy.

Playful Ecstatic Soul Dance
Fredrik Niclasen
A dance journey where your heart will guide you. It's gonna be a dance between the intimate and the ecstatic where room for playfulnes is welcomed. A space for connecting with you heart and aliveness through music.

Relating from Essence
Karin Rimbäck
This workshop is an exploration of self-discovery and deepening connection with others. There will be an embodied guidance to our inner five soul dimensions: your personal essence qualities. Through inquiry and explorative triads we learn how to guide ourselves back to to our natural creativity, compassion, clear-sightedness, trust and curiosity and to meet other people from this place of ourselves.

The Beauty of Needs
Gabriel Stille
Get clarity around what needs, longings and wants – met or unmet – are really important for you, right now or in this season of life. We use empathic listening and explore how this deep listening for needs can be a moment of clarity, solace and connection it itself, and also help point you a direction further to where you want to go next. This workshop builds on the needs awareness of Nonviolent Communication.

Getting Real
Daniel DeTerrence Brooks
It's time for the shadows to come into the light. Here we will look deeply into that special part of self-knowledge: what you don't know that you already know. Time to drop the mask and look each other in the eye and say how you truly feel.

PlayBreathFlow Rising Practice
Erik Svensson
Inspired by PlayBreathFlow, these morning sessions will focus on creating a connected, intentional and energized start to your day.
The breathing and movements will begin gently and get us moving, energized and playful together.
PlayBreathFlow, is a workshop and practice that blends various different forms of movement, games/situations, and breathing. The aim enhance health, playfulness, mental and physical awareness, communication, creativity and to achieve flow state. Additionally, to foster connection with ourselves, our bodies and with others.
In this practice, we will playfully explore and move our bodies guided by a diverse range of inspirations, including different practices, of others, of our senses, music, nature etc.
Our goal is to achieve a state of Flow - an optimal experience where you are fully engaged and immersed in the moment/activity (”being in the zone”). Through different practices and games we aim to enhance our mobility, resilience, fitness and mental and physical wellbeing.
Finish this session feeling grounded, in-the-moment, playful and energized.

Move and make sense!
David Ershammar
Use your body and mind to anchor and make sense of your experiances during the festival. Based on the phases in the "Flow of life"-framework we explore and connect our present with the future - what we want to invite, act on and let go of in our lives.

Authentic Movement ~ Listen!
Rebecca Fratini
“Your body has the capacity to tell what your toungue is silent about”
What happens if we let our body become the storyteller and the reciever in the same time, while tuning into our deepest longing.
In this workshop we will widen the perspective of listening as a concept by inviting all our senses.
We will use influences from AM (Authentic Movement) and CI (Contact Improvisation) as methods to explore deep longing by listening, to ourselves and to each other.
You will be guided in grounded movements by your own followed by sequences where words and physical touch will be shared.