Nära Summer Festival 2024

A journey of connection - exploring your place in the world

7-11th of August

Just outside Malmö

A journey of connection - exploring your place in the world

After two fantastic festivals and lots of gatherings in our venue in Malmö, we feel it's time for something more. This year's festival, in our spacious sweet venue just outside Malmö, has a clearer intention to support each participant's journey towards a closer connection with their place in the world. We want to create a place where we can grow in awareness, become more alive and ready to take the next step into leadership of our lives. The program guides you to anchor and explore what you need to make more space for right now.

Together we co-create a way of being together that opens up for both deep exploration, close contact and lots of fun!


As a participant you are also welcome to the nära-community - a network of people committed to learn and to develop our inner and relational capacity. We start the journey even before the start of the festival. You'll be invited to land in your intention and meet some of the other participants online before we meet up. After the festival we arrange integration meetings where participants can continue to offer each other their attention and support.

Nära Summer Festival 2024


The tickets are almost sold out. Just a few left!

There are 20 early bird tickets (SOLD OUT), quite a few regular tickets and about 15 volunteer tickets (SOLD OUT). All tickets include the same choice of accommodation: shared bedroom with bed or mattress (choose between 2/3-person room and 4-person room) or tent spot/van-space. And all tickets are including food + snacks!

  • Early bird ticket (SOLD OUT). Indoor sleeping: 4500 SEK. Tent: 4000 SEK
  • Regular ticket. Indoor sleeping in 2/3 person room: 5500 SEK (few left). Indoor sleeping in 4 person room: 5250 SEK (SOLD OUT). Tent: 5000 SEK (SOLD OUT)
  • Volunteer ticket (SOLD OUT). Indoor sleeping in 4 person room 3000 SEK. Tent: 2500 SEK

We strive to make the festival available to all who want to come. Are you interested in supporting this festival by being a volunteer? If so, here's some info for you to check out. And please note that volunteer ticket sales end on the 15h of June.

Team and workshops

As previous years, we've selected a team of experienced facilitators from a range of practices will support us on our journeys.

The practices of Circling®, Authentic Relating and Embodiment has been a core of nära since the beginning and will inform much of the programme.

The processes and workshops will be woven together to assist you in establishing a stronger grounding, more connection with yourself and others and invite you to explore your place in the world. It'll be a mix of whole group processes, focused workshops and lightly facilitated experiential space.

Some workshops will be relational and focus on the here-and-now quality of what's taking place between you and others. Others will have embodied focus to connect with your body to get more grounded and feel yourself more fully. It could be dance, movement, primal play, touch or meditation. Most workshops will contain some form of movement or connection to our bodies, be it slow or more intense.

Nära Summer Festival 2024. Team

to workshop selection >

Ida Helmers

Ida is a somatic guide, group field weaver and relational enthusiast.

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Andreas Hüttel

Andreas is a musician, sound alchemist, multi-instrumentalist, composer and coach. 

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Karin Rimbäck

Karin is an advocate for inner fullness and compassionate connection

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Daniel DeTerrence Brooks

Brooks has been doing relational practices for 14 years.

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Fredrik Gynnhammar

Fredrik is passionate about exploring the depths of human existence and what brings about development and health.

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Patrik Gyland

Patrik is a licensed psychologist with a long background as self-employed consultant.

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Julia Björn

Julia facilitates authentic relating and wants to create opportunities for us to walk each other home.

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Hanna My Jansson

Hanna-My has a drive for exploring the flavors of existence in relation to others.

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Fredrik Niclasen

Fredrik is into embodiment, Vedanta and has a passion for dance.

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Rebecca Fratini

Rebecca is a dancer and physiotherapist and works in the field of psychosomatics.

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Pär Säthil

Pär is a psychologist and music magicmaker and will create some neat spaces during the festival!

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David Ershammar

David is passionate about creating spaces for people to meet deeper, co-create slower and learn faster.

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Gabriel Stille

Gabriel wants to help create meetings where we can practice expressing ourselves honestly and listening with empathy.

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Veronica Petterson

Veronica has a background in Somatic Experiencing, Process-leadership and Community Theatre.

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Erik Svenner

Erik is a movement artist. He's into bodily play and flow.

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Shikoba Summer

Shikoba is trained in several different healing modalities. dedicated to supportong transformational journeys.

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Food, venue & accomodation

Venue & Accommodation

The venue for the festival is a conference facility in Sunnanå, located just outside of Malmö. It has several big spaces for workshops, a beautiful main hall with big glass windows towards the garden where the twin acacia trees stand, overlooking the festival in their full majesty. Connected to the main hall is a hang out room, that also houses a little gym and a sauna. There is a big outdoor lawn area for different activities such as playing football, relaxing, eating, and the brave might try exploring the narrow paths into the small forest next to it. Maybe you’re lucky enough to find some ripe blackberries hidden among the bushes? 

There are different accommodation options:

Shared room
Smaller rooms equipped with two to three beds or mattresses and space for personal items and clothes.

Tent spot
Bring your own tent/camper and sleeping equipment and you get a spot in our beautiful garden.

Food & Drink

The food that is included with the ticket will be served three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with occasional snacks, tea and coffee in between. The food is mainly vegan, with some vegetarian alternatives.

The festival is alcohol & drug free.


Your journey together

A range of workshops supports your journey. Let’s relate, feel, dance, co-create or explore through senses and touch, in new ways! Your exploration in parallel workshops is integrated with whole group workshops and a lighter facilitated space for exploration. So, we will offer a space for a deepening of your journey between workshops. A co-created exploration of
new ways of relating or focus on what brings energy to yourself and others in the moment!


NÄRA is a Swedish word meaning near or close, as in near to our hearts or being close together. At the same time it means to nourish, as in nourishing ourselves and our connections.

NÄRA is also the name of a community and physical venue in central Malmö, that has been experimenting with ways of involving and inspiring more people into practices of relational awareness and growth. Where facilitators offers diverse workshops and morning practices.

This festival stems from a longing to provide more opportunities for people to connect around authentic practices, circling and embodiment. As the local and Scandinavian communities involved with this are growing, we want to celebrate, combining deep processing with the ease and joy of just being in togetherness. We hope this festival will support further development of these communities and bring valuable and inspiring experiences for everyone participating.

Authentic Relating is an umbrella term covering both a movement and set of practices that facilitate an honest and heartful way of exploring communication and connection beyond social masks and norms.

Circling® is an organic authentic relating practice based on a few principles that support you in being more in touch with your own truth and at the same time staying in connection to others. It’s organic in the sense that the group’s aliveness and experience of relatedness direct the unfolding of the process, rather than imposing any specific structure.

Embodiment suggests that as human beings, our bodily existence is at the core of who we are. Through our body, we are in a direct relationship with all other bodies and the world. Ways of exploring embodiment can be meditation, dancing, martial art, playing music – any activity where you’re experientially in touch with your direct sensory experience of being alive right at this present moment.

NÄRA, both the festival and the community based in Malmö, are inspired by the longing to contribute to a more beautiful and peaceful world, and support people’s ability to co-operate and relate well together. It builds on the idea that we humans are fantastic beings with enormous gifts and capacity to connect and love, AND that many of us need to practice using this capacity. Patterns of self resistance, trauma, and disconnection to ourselves and others and the world make it harder for us to stay attuned to our gifts and act from this place of love. Our deeper mission is to inspire the exploration of how we can connect more, communicate bravely and with aliveness, stay grounded, stay curious, be responsible and whole beings, and cultivate deeply loving relationships to ourselves, each other and nature. At NÄRA, and through our practices, we want to work at core level of our global challenges; the ability to be whole together, and believe the larger-scale changes we are hoping for will follow naturally as humans feel more connected and understanding of each other.

  • PlayBreathFlow
  • Connect in intimacy
  • Dance
  • Relational laboratory
  • Playfight
  • At the center is the heart
  • Embodied Conflict Transformation
  • Bodystories
  • Circling
  • Opening workshops
  • Circling
  • Authentic Relating Games


More info about programme, facilitators, workshops and such will be posted continously. Stay tuned here and on the facebook event for updates! Pick up your ticket here.